Research Papers

Space-Time on the computer
Reproduction of R. Rucker's vision of space-time.
  • Ovid Jacob, Some Thoughts on Algebraic Graph Theory, December 1999.

  • Mark Mosko and Ovid Jacob, k-Server Model, March 1999.

  • Ovid Jacob, Scaling Laws in Wide Area Network Traffic, March 1998.

  • Ovid Jacob and Ronald J. Adler, Null Surfaces, Initial Values and Evolution of Spinor Fields, SLAC-PUB-7026, pp. 21, May 1995, J. Math. Phys. 37, (3), 1091, (1996).

  • Ronald J. Adler and Ovid Jacob, Null Surfaces, Initial Values and Evolution of Scalar Fields, SLAC-PUB-7025, pp. 18, March 1995.

  • Ronald J. Adler, Brendan Casey and Ovid C. Jacob, The Vacuum Catastrophe (alias the Cosmological Constant Problem) for Undergraduates, Amer. Jour. Phys.63, , 620, (1995).

  • Ovid Jacob, When are Zero Modes Important ? Phys. Lett. B347 , 101 (1995).

  • Ovid Jacob, Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints II: Perturbation Theory and Renormalization,SLAC-PUB-64XX, pp.21 March 1994, Phys. Rev. D51, 3017 (1995).

  • Ovid Jacob, Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints : The Abelian Case, Phys. Rev. D50, 5289 (1994).

  • Ovid Jacob, Manifestly Parity Covariant Quantization of Quantum Field Theories Mod. Phys. Lett. 9A, 3219 (1994).

  • Ovid Jacob, Zero Modes in a c=2 Matrix Model, Phys. Lett. B324, 149 (1994).

  • Ovid Jacob and Leonard Kisslinger, Phys. Lett. B243, 323 (1990).

  • Ovid. C. Jacob and Leonard S. Kisslinger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 225 (1985).

  • Ovid Jacob, Relation between Null-Surface Quantization and the Characteristic Initial Value Problem, SLAC-PUB-69XX, pp.18, January 1995.

  • Ovid Jacob, Comment on "Equivalence of Light-Front and Covariant Field Theory" , SLAC-PUB-68xx pp.5 , December 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob, Regularization Schemes for Null-Surface Quantization of Gauge Field Theories , SLAC-PUB-68XX pp.21, December 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob, Null-Surface Quantization of Gauge Field Theories without Gauge Constraints , SLAC-PUB-67XX pp. 9, November 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob, Null-Surfaces Quantization of Quantum ChromoDynamics in the Heavy Quark Limit: The Quantum ChromoDynamics Renormalization Constants, SLAC-PUB-69xx, pp.22, September 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob, Null-Surfaces Quantization of Quantum ChromoDynamics in the Heavy Quark Limit: Leading 1/m_Q Calculation, SLAC-PUB-68xx, pp.21, August 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob, Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints III: The Schwinger Model,SLAC-PUB-65XX, pp.14, June 1994.

  • Ovid Jacob , Heavy Quark Effective Theory of Quantum ChromoDynamics in Light-Cone Quantization, SLAC-PUB-63XX, pp.11, July 1993.

  • Ovid Jacob, Non-Trivial Topological Aspects of Quantum ChromoDynamics in Light-Cone Quantization, SLAC-PUB-60XX, pp.12, April 1993.

  • Ovid Jacob and Dharam Ahluwalia, Spin-Dependent Form Factors in j=3/2 Composites , SLAC-PUB-58XX, August 1992.

  • Ovid Jacob , Parity-Conserving Light-Cone Quantization of Quantum Field Theories, SLAC-PUB-6188/hep-th9305076.

  • Ovid Jacob , Discrete Symmetries for the Bound State Problem of Positronium in Light-Cone Quantization , SLAC-PUB-58xx, pp. 14, May 1992.

  • Ovid Jacob and Alex Langnau, An Effective Kernel Method for Positronium in Light-Cone Quantization, SLAC-PUB-57xx, pp.19, February 1992.

  • Ovid Jacob , Constrained Light-Cone Quantization Applied to 1+1-Dimensional Field Theories: I. The Yukawa Model, SLAC-PUB-52XX, pp.12, June 1992.

  • Ovid Jacob, A Light-Cone Model for Mesons with Definite Angular Momentum, SLAC-PUB-56XX, pp. 21, August 1990 .

  • Ovid C. Jacob and Leonard S. Kisslinger ,Confining Bethe-Salpeter Equation: A Light-Front Formalism, in "QCD, Theory and Experiment," Edited by B. A. Campbell, A. N. Kamal, F. C. Khanna, M. K. Sundaresan, World Scientific Publishing, 1988.

  • Leonard S. Kisslinger and Ovid C. Jacob, A Confining Light-Cone Bethe-Slapeter Equation , in "Nuclear and Particle Physics on the Light-Cone," Edited by Mikkel Johnson and Leonard S. Kisslinger , World Scientific Publishing, 1988.

  • Serpent Lord
    (To Physics Research)

    Reproduction from J. Campbell's Occidental Mythologies.

    Copyright © 1994-today Ovid C. Jacob